& Re*Membering the Sacred Self WHOLE.

The Path of the Sacred Self is a devotional ministry founded by Aerin Aura Viel and Patrick Raji Choose Love.
Our Soul purpose and vocational service is to the awakening of our Earth kin in realizing Oneness, offering support to our fellow men, women, children, animals, and Nature with our attention, care, intention and compassionate loving-kindness.

We do this through offering teachings, methods, tools, techniques, and practices for individual development, individual IN*powerment, and individual wellbeing, as well as community development, support and empowerment; through online immersions, live retreats, learning intensives, blogs, videos, and podcasts (forthcoming..), and one-to-one connection.

We are working on building our Self-Supporting ministry, sustainable ministry village, community and sanctuary with which to offer our service in an exchange of Love, as well as build and realize genuine and authentic Come*Unity.

Individual, Community and Collective Healing works and service

Work with us is designed and intended for transformation and will involve a private consultation to determine what is being most called for in this present moment and time; for each Individual’s greatest growth potentials to be brought forward and fully Realized.

Some of the Healing Hearts Arts approaches we IN
*Body, are

Subtle energetics therapeutic modalities, balancing vibrational sound frequencies, somatic awakening and releasing, Mind~Body~Breath~Awareness techniques and practices, bodywork & manually manipulative therapeutic modalities,
Sacred Plant Medicine remedies, wholesome whole foods and nourishing traditions, conscious living, spiritual journeywork, Sacred Relationship work, healing ceremony, individual and community ritual, divinatory and oracle readingsand metaphysical practices & tools for Self-IN*power-ment and enhanced wellbeing.

Free movement and the in*Body-ment of ease, grace and balance, along with integral resonant harmonic coherence of the whole being, are the intentions for our work.
We bring our combined Individual experience and our collective experience as masters, partners and parents, to you; our fellow Earth kin and family.

Our prayer is to assist our Brothers and Sisters to rapidly Awaken, become integral as an Individual and aspect of the whole, facilitate a re~turn to the Sacred and a re~turn to coherence; as A whole-ly integral planetary community.
Please submit the form below with your information to request service and for peer counsel.

With a sanctuary and healing ashram, or spiritual healing community, we can offer this service in true service, as an exchange of Love; as well as protect this land and it’s healing and Life-giving waters, for generations to come*** (see above)
We welcome your contribution to the creation of the Sanctuary, ashram, village, and Ecological Biotope through our
RECEIVE LOVE ~ OFFER LOVE Campaign Page or link below <3 <3 <3



As Above So Below,
As Within So Without

The Sacred Spiral Energetics Model and Spiral Reiki form the basis of our Philosophy, Practices and Teachings.

The Spiral is the symbol, the story, and the form for which All Creation Unfolds within. Seeing the Spiral in All will alter your way of seeing, believing, and BE*ing; on every level, in every way.

The Sacred Torrus of Creation and the Torroidal Model for Energy Current inspires and informs our approach to Energetic Philosophies and these Wisdoms of Natural Energetic Systems.
And this Wisdom, changes every thing.

Our Path and Lineage of Reiki practice and teachings is being newly birthed upon the Earth in this *NoW* moment in our development and experience, as the Ancient Path of True Unity and Universal Love;
in alignment with the Feminine Way &
in Resonance with our Mother Planet.


I Am Another Your Self

In Lak’ech ~ Mayan saying

We are Re*Membering the Sacred Self Whole Again and there are many parts and aspects of Our Self to discover and integrate; and we need many approaches, tools and ways to support this in ourselves, with One Another, and Collectively on this Planet.

We offer guidance, facilitation and support to Individuals & Groups in this work through Customized Transformation Sessions, Retreats, Workshops, Blog, and an online store; providing the medicines, teachings, practices and ways to In*Power the Self in Our Own Awakening, Integration, and Real*i*zation.


We Are One Family

Ala’kin ~ Mayan Saying

Every Thing we are is a result of our {inter}relationship To & With;
all other things, elements, people, circumstances and experiences we encounter.
We are constantly Reflecting what is True for us back into the Mirror of Creation; and Creation is Mirroring this Truth back to Us.

We need the Pure Reflection of Another in order to know ourselves Truly, and More Purely.

This is an on-going work to bring forward the Restoration of the Natural Human Being and the Sacred Metaphysical Heart.
We do this through Sacred Reflection & Journeywork Processes, which are Cooperative Processes of Reflecting Truth to One=Another, Our Own Selves, and Life;
in individual sessions, couples sessions, online learning immersions, live retreats and intensives.


In Lak’ech ~ Mayan Saying
I am another yourself.

Humee Hum Tumee Tum
Recognize the Other Person is You
~ Kundalini Aquarian Sutra in Gurmukhi

Be a lamp unto yourself.
~ Guatama Buddha

Know Thine Own Self be True..
~ Yeshua

In order to inter-connect, inter-act, and inter-relate, for co-operation and co-creation; we must be able to exchange with another.
Even though I need to be “me” and You need to be “you” so that '“we”, You and I, can make an exchange of Life-Giving and Life-Receiving, and we must be individuated in order to do that; we are aspects of One Another, and not entirely “separate” from Each Other.
To you, I am “you”.
Each of these potential characteristics exist, and we can all relate.

We are interested in how we relate and what is most similar to us, living in such a way that regards all Beings on this Earth as another “you”.

The One Within is The Creator. The one that chooses what to create, based on what One Sees, what One Hears, what One Feels, and what One “Knows”, '“Thinks”, and/or/also thinks they “know“..
The One Within each Body~Mind Being is a Vessel for transmission of Life and Creation and is the most Sacred Principle, worth acknowledging, respecting, honoring, and revering, protecting, and healing/correcting; to support the Coming to Life in Each Being.

Don’t Follow the Guru. You Are The Guru. ~ Ganga Giri


Ala’kin ~ Mayan Saying
We are One Family.

We are the Roots and Branches of the same One Tree of Life.
~ Ancient Indigenous Earth Wisdom

It is time for us to Agree:
We are One Family.
One Family of Humanity. One Human Species and Race and FAMILY.
Unique and individual, none “Greater or Less”, and all Part Of the Whole of Our Collective Human Existence; each part of the Human Experience.

We are not alone and could never be “alone”, as in this Life Realm Program, there literally is no such principle as “alone” or “solitary” or “seperate”, in the whole of our Biological and Cosmological Experience, which could be found and seen and determined as being “isolated” as a thing/existence, all on its own, unto itself.. because every thing is a result of other elements at play and continuously at play.

We are becoming a Global Species, with greater and greater ability to “connect“ with one another from across divides of Lands, Waters, Cultures, Peoples, Nations, Financial and Social Standards; than ever before.
We support a Compassionately Empathetic Naturalized Human Being to be brought back to Life, and nurtured, for the coming Generations to inhabit a viable and Sustainable Mother Planet that we can Thrive upon and with. We are building, advocate for, and promote the teaching and development of Authentic, Genuine Community Models which reflect this One Family Gaian Unity.

We are Gaians. Beings of GAIA~SOPHIA. Pachamama, Mother Earth.
Our Mother Planet, inside of a Spiral Galaxy, in the Vast Cosmos of our Existence.


No thing, being, idea, practice, ability, action or reaction, happens in isolation.
No Element operates entirely separately, by and for its own self.
Every Aspect of Every Thing in the Material and Non-Material Universe(s) are results of other actions and Elements at play before, during, and after “them”.

We are made to connect, inter-connect, co-create, pro-create.

The Sacred Law of Creation which all must align and adhere to/with, is that of 2 Primary Parts in One Whole. Every exchange is fundamentally linked to one giving, and another, receiving; at varying stages and in varying degrees.

We recognize that there is no Healing that happens “to” us, or comes into us “from” somewhere other than ourselves. We are able to heal Our Selves most fully, when we are safe, supported in our work, able to reduce, eliminate and also manage “stress”; that we can fully tap “into” what our body is guiding us to do.

We may need to, and need to be able to, receive support and facilitation from another and others in our Healing Work. Just as not having support, and environments which are unsupportive and/or unsustaining, can hinder and delay our Healing process and Growth; support and facilitation can expedite it and strengthen the result and effects to be genuine, long-lasting, and complete.

There is greater Healing potential which comes for the One being supported and sustained, as well as the One that is offering the support; as to be called upon to support another, also serves the One offering support in their own growth and wellbeing, as well.

The One offering, is always receiving their own healing, simultaneously, through the experience.

This is a blessed Truth and a Sacred Principle.
We are in this together and it goes both ways.


As One Heals and Becomes Whole, more are able to become Healed and become Whole, and share and support even more; rapidly moving all throughout the World to affect Healing within the Human Family, and our Planetary Mother.

Natural and Naturalized Systems which support the Healing of the One, are called for, necessary, and required to initiate this wave of Movement upon the Earth.

We invite you to become a Minister of Healing Hearts Arts through the Other Blossom Ashram and the Sacred Mysteries Curriculum;
as well as support the building of the Sanctuary, Ecological Biotope, Ashram, and Come*Unity Ministry/Mission Village.



We invite every one to experience more Love Flowing through and within, in your Life, and into all those you touch and may impact. We pray these offerings will inspire your Life with Enhanced Beauty, Remind you of the Magic of Nature, support your Healing, find your Strength and your True Authentic Power; with the Allies of the Elementals, and Spirit Realms.
All Offerings and Receiving are an act of Love Exchange, and Reciprocity*
As we are able to share more Love, we shall see and feel and experience Love flowing abundantly within, without, and all around <3 <3 <3 Blessed Be!

All offerings contribute to the realization of the OtherBlossom Sanctuary and Ashram and are gratefully received on behalf of this Greater Spiritual Work and Service to Humankind and the World.

There came a moment in our own Journey’s, that we surrendered our lives to the Mother, our Mother Earth, and committed our Love and Care and Remembering of HER ~GAIA~ as Most Sacred;
That we began to see her Love for us, Every Where!!
Hearts began to emerge from the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdom for us to gather, and spread back out to all of you. Seeds of the Love that is Abundant and Eternal, and all*ways here for us; when we are Present and Listening with our Heart.



All around us, beyond us out in space, and even within us to the cells and the smallest particles of Atoms, reflect to us and show to us the Living Doctrines and Gospels of Creation, Nature, LIFE and The Force of LIFE; which are ever-present.

These gifts are an offering of Love and Devotion to these LIVING GOSPELS of Life, and as prayers for our remembering; inspiring us and reminding us of the Magik of Nature.



Sacred Offerings

Receive gifts of and from Nature to offer to your altar, shrine, ceremony, ritual, Sacred technologies and tools, conscious wares and prayers, Sacred natural plant remedies and indigenous medicinas, herbal extracts and essences of the elements of Nature, crystals and Ancestor minerals, and more; as well as Spiritual counsel & Spiritual journeywork, divination and oracle readings, and Sacred Path learning immersions online and in live intensive retreats (forthcoming) through our ministry.

People, Planet and Peace over Profits

Repairing the Hoop of Life,
Building the Rainbow Bridge

Turning Towards the Tree of Life

Come along for the Journey as we remember and honor the Sacredness of Life.

We will offer updates, special announcements, new products, inspiration, teachings, and a lot of Love.. and so much more!
We won’t overwhelm your inbox, and please make sure to add us so you don’t miss them in your Promotions folder!