Aura Viel and Raji Choose Love are our “chosen” Spiritual Names, and our Avatars for our Greater work in this Life; embodiments of our True Personal, Physical and Spiritual work in this Realm of our Living Existence.

We are Dreamers, Visionaries, Mystics and Lovers of this Sacred Life.

We are parents and beloved partners to one another, sharing and caring together our creations of Love; with Love. We are embodiments of the Divine Masculine and the Sacred Feminine, unified in our Co-Creation potentials.

We offer to you, Sacred Reflection, Support, Our Love, Our Wisdom, and Our Experience.
We are devoted to our Earth Mother, GAIA, and to the preservation and protection of our shared Biosphere, for the Generations to Come. Our own children, and our children’s, children’s, children. 

We are proud to be Gaian’s, and do not identify with the constructions of any nation, race, or culture. We are committed to the restoration of our Natural State of Being, which is a Gaian of The Earth, GAIA;
through raising awareness, our practice, and walking in a Beauty Way. We bring remedies, medicines of our Earth, our compassion, and our loving presence. We are committed to supporting our kin.

We are not “traditional”. We practice an Altar-ed Lifestyle and perspective on Life. We pray to enliven and awaken all the faculties and capacities of the Natural Human Being. 

Aura Viel is the writer, the dreamer, the teacher, the visionary, and the mystic. She is a Master of the Healing Arts and serves the discovery and use of our Personal Medicines to Enhance the Beauty of the Human Heart and Human Expression. 
Raji brings the stabilizing frequency and the Vibrations of his own Wisdom, as well as High Level of Personal Integrity, and Vision, to the project. He is a Master of Efficiency and serves to Enhance the Beauty of the Earth. 
We are both Massage Therapists and work in the Healing Arts Realms. Together, we represent and reflect to you a balanced and unified Masculine and Feminine Co-Operative unit, Energy and Reflection.

We have been intimate and committed partners for 17 years, and co-parents to our growing but still young, 3 children. We are “natural”, or Naturally-Focused parents working to raise Natural children and Human Beings; in an Artificially-Flavored World. 
We are non-traditional according to Modern Societal Models, in our approaches, perspectives and outlook on the World and Life. We Life-School, and allow Nature to Educate, keep technology in it’s proper place as a Tool, and are invested in securing a Liveable and Habitable Future for our children and Grandchildren; the Next 7 Generations.

As such, we have learned skills and developed ourselves in Traditional Earth-based ways in medicine practices, and in Living. We are committed to serving in the rising consciousness and awareness of our fellow Human Family.

We are on our own journey of discovery and awakening, discovering and awakening more, and Even More; and are devoting our lives to fulfill what we came here for.
And that is to Uplift, Support and Facilitate the Healing and Restoration of our Holy Heart.

Our Studies:
Aura has been practicing in the Healing Arts professionally for 16 years with many years of study and practice outside of professional confines. She is a Master Bodyworker of many modalities, with special focus in Traditional Healing Arts, Subtle Energetic Therapies, Somatic Awakening, Trauma Resolution, and Personal Development Coaching. 
Reiki Master with 17 years in professional practice.
Yoga Teacher and many years of study in a vast range of approaches.
Studies Herbs and uses and works with Natural, Wholesome Foods, Natural Medicines, and Plant Medicines, as well as Shamanic Healing and Metaphysical Healing Arts.
Studied as a Natural Pregnancy, Labor, Birth, and Postpartum Doula.
Divination and Spirit Technologies. 

Raji has recently completed Massage Therapy school and begun practicing professionally, and has many years of personal learning and study in this area prior to having the official schooling. He has been operating businesses for many years of his life, until he stepped out into the unknown to trust his own gifts and medicine.
His true love, next to Surfing, has been music. Vibration specifically, and the ability to read, interpret, and “ride” frequency, vibration and Sound, has called to him in a very big way and has defined his growth and future potential.
He journeyed to Nepal to become trained in Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy.  And, he journeyed high up into the Andes in the Sacred Valley of Peru, to learn shamanic sound healing with a Quero Elder, and the many tools for healing and manifesting they have used since Ancient Times.
He continues to learn and develop these gifts as a Healing Art, and continues to develop himself as a Healing Artisan and in Spirit Technologies.

We continue to learn and grow and be inspired to learn and grow some more, with Plant Medicines being a Primary Focus for us at this juncture, as well as Sustainable Building, Community and Living Models.

We take great joy in being agents of Healing, Awakening and Love in the World, and carry this forward into all our offerings with our Human, and Non-Human Kin. We Love to Hold Kind and Loving Space for you to Become Whole unto your own Self, Shine your Light, Live your Truth, and BE Your Medicine. ❤ ❤ ❤
That is What We Are and Who We Are Here To Be, Too***

In Lak’ech Ala’kin I Am AnOther Your Self and We Are One Family {Kin}~Mayan saying



Our Family ~ Our Future
The Birth of Our Community and A New Come*Unity of Peace~Makers on Earth.

We are Grateful to share this journey together, and with you.

Blessed Be

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