We invite every one to experience more Love Flowing through and within, in your Life, and into all those you touch and may impact.
We pray these offerings will inspire your Life with Enhanced Beauty, Remind you of the Magic of Nature, support your Healing, find your Strength and your True Authentic Power;
with the Allies of the Elementals, and Spirit Realms.

All Offerings and Receiving are an act of Love Exchange, and Reciprocity*
As we are able to share more Love, we shall see and feel and experience Love flowing abundantly within, without, and all around <3 <3 <3
~ Blessed Be ~ Blessed Be ~ Blessed Be ~

All offerings contribute to the realization of the OtherBlossom Sanctuary and Ashram and are gratefully received on behalf of this Greater Spiritual Work and Service to Humankind and the World.



All around us, beyond us out in space, and even within us to the cells and the smallest particles of Atoms, reflect to us and show to us, the Living Doctrines and Gospels of Creation, Nature, Life and The Force of Life; which are ever-present.

These gifts are an offering of Love and Devotion to these LIVING GOSPELS of Life, and as prayers for our remembering;
inspiring us and reminding us of the Magic of Nature and the Beauty, and Sacredness of Life.



There came a moment in our own Journey’s, that we surrendered our lives to the Mother ~our Mother Earth ~ and committed our Love and Care and Remembering of HER ~GAIA~, as Most Sacred;
and we began to see her Love for us, Every Where!!

Hearts began to emerge from the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdom for us to gather, and spread back out to all of you.
Seeds of the Love that are Abundant and Eternal, and All*Ways here for us; when we are Present and Listening with our Heart.


What We All Most Want and Need, work for, strive for, desire, and Ultimately Live For.. is to know, feel, experience and share Genuine, True and Authentic Love.
How much we feel we are capable of expressing and feeling Love, are themes that will define the Truth of Each Human Life, that has ever existed, and ever will exist.
That Love is so fundamental, yet, somehow, is also so compromised.

Most of us in our “developed” Worlds are operating exclusively around a principle belief and perception that what is The Most Essential about Life is acquisition of Money, Monetary Resource, Financial “security”, and the corresponding great desire and propensity towards greater Material Possession.

These urges ultimately lead to a great desire and propensity towards greater Power and Possession of Resources, Land, Power over People, Waters, Air, and now Space and Planetary Bodies; up for grabs by Corporations that have constitutional “rights” and yet no contractual obligations to the same Laws held both Sacred and Against it’s ‘Peoples’;
unable to be held accountable for Violating the Laws of Creation.

In this Consumer Model, and Commodified Life Style, every thing has a price. No Life is Sacred.
This is a fundamental Fracture in the Foundations of our Collective Being, which needs our attention, and our intention, to remedy fully.

We are beginning with an exercise in Reciprocity, arising from years and years of Living Reciprocity as a Working Philosophy and Practice that can be applied in all ways, every day.
Ancient and Inherent Cosmic Truth of Creation:
In Order that there can be One that Receives, there must also be One that has Given, or Gives.

In the Giving, the One that has Received gives Gratitude, and the Joy of Appreciation is then offered to the Giver; and the Giver has been given the gift of now receiving the Joy of the One to whom which was originally given. Love, is Exchanged.
There is no ceasing or “end” to the potentials of giving and receiving, continuing ever onward, when they are acts of the Heart.

Our own appreciation of and for the Beauty of the Earth, Feelings of Love for Nature, Earth, ourselves, each other, and Life, the Magik of Nature that is inspired within us, as well as the Mother’s Love for Us;
are woven and imbued into each and every offering we have brought to share with you here.
Here, NOW, and All~Ways.

It is Spirit that brought them and offered them to us that we may receive the Gift, and it is Spirit that brings them to You, through us, that you too may receive the Gifts and the Treasures we have received, on your behalf.

May you receive these blessings, and be blessed also, and share in the blessing with others, and the Whole of Creation all around; within and without. In Reciprocity.
That the Beauty, Magik and Love that is ever abundant and timeless, and always all around and available to us, may be seen, felt, known, experienced, expressed, shared and increased.

And may you make an offering and sacrifice which is equally and mutually beneficial and reflective, as well, that we all may receive.
We request that you offer a minimum amount for shipping to receive your gift, and invite and welcome you to offer even more love in your contribution, appreciation, kindness and support for our Vision of creating a Sanctuary and Ashram, from your Heart.


We are working towards building a Healing Arts Ashram and Sanctuary on a Healing Biotope Ecological Preserve, somewhere in the united states of America, to offer Healing Service to our Human Kin and protect Vital Habitat and waters.

We welcome your support and invite you to contribute with your Love and Prayers.

**Deep Gratitude **



Receive our newest additions, special offerings, updates, announcements and opportunities to join with us in Come*Unity as we bring more Sacredness, Beauty, Magik and Love into this Life we share;
together. <3