We welcome your support and invite you to contribute with Resources, Love, Assistance, Participation and Prayers.

**Deep Gratitude **
Blessed Be


We are currently looking for a large enough property to build a Healing Biotope with a Water Source/Access to Water and build Water Retention Lake(s) and/or ponds, for the creation, reclamation and restoration of Sustainable Habitat and Sanctuary; which supports and provides for the Ashram & Community to be sustained, serve others, and thrive.

We are seeking active contributors with resources, as well as participators and potential fellow community members.
All Contributions directly support the realization of this vision through purchase and acquisition, building, growing of gardens & food, other additional development and the construction of facilities to host recipients on-site.

We appreciate your interest and pray you too, are feeling the prayer in your Heart.



The Ministry for Healing Hearts Arts, or Healing Hearts Ministry, is a Non-Denominational, Spiritual, Non-Religious, Consciousness-Based Ministry, which offers Healing Arts Service to the Members of the Community and promoting Healing Arts Service and Philanthropy; cultivating Heart-Centered individuals, Heart-Centered communities and fostering a Heart-Centered Global Culture, World-Wide. 

Healing Hearts Ministry offers teachings and community which promote an Open, Awakened, Healed and Radiant Heart, which leads to authentic Human Beings and an authentic Human-Human, Heart-to-Heart exchange of Healing, Care, and Love; One to Another. 
Offering teachings and practices, modalities and methods in Traditional and Current Healing Arts which address the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual well-being of each Individual, and the Environment of the Earth, which we all share.

To be Heart-Centered, authentic and peace*full, Individually and Collectively, the wounds of the Heart must be addressed and reconciled, and communities which are sustainable and cooperative must be created which supports and fosters Peaceful Co-Living (Co-Existing) with one another and the Ecosystems which sustain us;
as working examples and models to follow. 

Individuals can come to receive, learn, practice, study, and mentor, becoming Ministers of the Healing Hearts Arts, starting up new communities and promoting Healing Hearts Arts Globally. 



After 2 decades of working in the Healing Arts Industry, I have discovered that while the desire for Healing Arts service is increasing, the commodification of this service makes receiving both expensive and inaccessible for the majority, and causes the receiver to exploit or depend too heavily upon the practitioner, because of the high cost they invest in the “service”. 

Clients become attached to the practitioner doing their work “for them”, & not want to do their own work to maintain their own wellbeing, as well as expect the practitioner to serve them as the “paying customer”. Client-Practitioner relationship dynamics are such in the professional field, that the Natural exchange of Co-Support to one another, creates a block and challenge to the ability to be community members with each other. 

The client puts the practitioner on a pedestal which creates expectation, and even dependence upon the exchange, and the Individual. Practitioners struggle to support themselves financially/professionally and at great Personal Physical and Energetic cost; serving to earn instead of serving with Love and in Reciprocal exchange.  

Honest, Authentic and Genuine Healing is an exchange of Energy into form, one which allows the shape of things to change from one state to another. Healing holds within it, destruction, as well as creation, which are both essential components to re-generation. There is an exchange of Healing between both active players or components, in every case, with every process. 

So often in the Allopathic model of Medicine, or Western Medicine as we say, looks at the relationship between practitioner and recipient, or Dr/Client as being rather one-sided. Where the practitioner is the one with the “authority’ to determine where Healing is called for and now to address it, and if it is a success then the medicine and the Dr was the reason for the success, but if it fails, it’s the patients. And even in the case of supposed success, the patient, the Individual, remains in a passive role. 

In True, Lasting Healing, the principles of restoration and regeneration within the recipient are supported to come into their own Natural State of Balance, or equilibrium, within one’s own Self. And the exchange of Attention, Care, and Love from the giver/supporter/facilitator, is a fundamental aspect of these principles being unlocked and activated within the recipient. 

It is such a beautiful knowing that the call for Healing is what initiates the Healing. And that call almost always leads us to another Being, to co-support us in this work. It is a most Natural Impulse. And it is a most Natural impulse to respond to a call for Healing in another and ourselves, with our Attention, Care/Compassion, and Love.

All Healing Begins Here*



The professional Industry of “Healing’ serves to commodify our most fundamental principle of Life which is to Co-Operatively Regenerate. The professional practices of Healing Arts are most often sources of economic exchange and there is massive injustice in the areas of Medicine, Healthcare, and the Healing Arts where profits are at primary stake; as states of sickness and un-wellness, become the source of “income” whether in the act of caring/attending, or gaining from in another aspect of the market in “preventing”.

There are many who have a calling to fulfill in helping others and to serve the world and our individual and collective healing work, and move into these profit-based economic careers and fields which collectively next to war and agriculture, constitute the greatest portion of our economic expenditures; with massive gains in profit for some.
We feel this is a dis-empowering model and is corruptive to the True and Natural Principle of Healing Exchange; which we are Naturally Endowed. 

A great deal and portion of our dis-ease and un-wellness that we seek healing for is not medical emergencies, but Poor Immunity, Stress, Anxiety, and Heartache

Dr Wentz, U of U Virologist, states that viruses and bacteria are past-century medicine and that what we are facing today is epidemic degenerative disease caused by poor diets, lack of exercise, and an increasingly toxic Global Environment and World. These preconditions set the stage for Immune System depletion, system strain/failure, and chronic illnesses to develop. 

There is much to address in this regard but important to note and consider is the cost associated with general/overall stress in one’s Being and Life, which is often the precursor to all of these circumstances and conditions becoming established. 

Reducing stress can be simple, but its not, as the way we live our lives is naturally causing us a great deal of stress. Some of which is unavoidable. We all, and I include myself, have a certain level of existential angst within our being that on some level, cannot be remedied, reconciled or “healed”, as long as I must be made to operate in a system and model for existing within a program of living which has us divorced from Nature; and thus, our Own Nature and True Nature, which is suppressed and oppressed. 

For me, this revelation, awareness and recognition leads me to put out the call to my Brothers and Sisters of Humankind, that each and Every one of us which is operating in this false program for living, is also Living with this Existential Angst;
fundamentally linked with Money, and the principle that we must pay to be Born, to Live/Exist, and to Die. And in this agreement, we are bound; unfree.
Yet Free, is what we are truly born as and are made to Be. 

As such I feel called to begin this work with establishing that the Healing Arts, and the Natural Human-to-Human, Heart-to-Heart exchange of Attention, Care, and Love between 2 or more People or People and Nature, cannot be commodified and is an inherent Spiritual Right and work for each to receive and offer as Spirit dictates; and must be sanctified as such. 



The Healing Arts are all methods, modalities, practices, techniques, teachings, traditions, and ways that have been traditionally utilized for Healing the Body-Mind-Spirit of the Being, as well as Modern Arts and New Arts; all with a core intention and principle of Healing & restoring the Sacred Heart of Life in the Individual, the Collective, and the Sacred Heart of All Creation. 

Our teachings revolve around the empowerment of the Healing Principle to be unlocked in each individual by the Individual themselves; to be Self-Aware, Self-Realized, Self-Directed, and Self-Accountable. Our Spiritual Path is in the Self-Enlightenment of the Enlightened Self, and we aim to offer and make accessible these Ancient and New Wisdoms, practices, tools, teachings and techniques; as the way of Mass Awakening and Global Shift towards Unity Consciousness and a Unified Humanity. 

I vision to open a Sanctuary and Healing Arts Ashram and Temple, on an Ecological Healing Biotope, which is to be a preserved Nature Shrine and open free space of Earth. 

Individuals seeking Healing and to learn Healing Arts, can do so in a non-commodified way, through Mutual Exchange in and with Ashram and Ministry. We feel that these teachings, practices and modalities are Sacred and an inherent Human Right to receive access to, practice and share; which can truly bring about greater mutual wellbeing in the Individual and on into the whole family of Humanity, when made Collective Wisdom. We claim them as Collective Human Heritage which cannot be “owned’ or profited from in a self-ish way. 

When Profit is not the primary motive of Healing Exchange, all are able to benefit mutually.  
This principle of Mutual Benefit or Reciprocity is always required by Nature’s Design and Natural Law; and as such, recipients make their offerings of Gratitude, Love and Appreciation to the Ministry, which sustains all members of Ministry, and the Sanctuary/Ashram/Temple/Center, and facilitation of the recipients and community that comes to receive.

All contributions are invested into the sustainability of the Ashram/Biotope and community, and once established, become invested in expanding the Other Blossom Ministry worldwide. 

When givers and receivers are freed from the commodification of their exchange with One=Another, more Heart-Felt exchange and Healing potential is released and able to be worked with. Receivers have to show up for themselves and do their own Healing work, which the Ashram and Ministry support; with an environment and community which models and lives this in action, for complete integration and reintegration potential in the individual to be realized. 



To practice the Healing Arts is to live it as a lifestyle and to be a Heart Centered Being, is also a practice and lifestyle, best achieved within a community of like-minded and Like-Hearted Beings which can support these principles of living with one-another and with Life; in Living ways. It is our best Natural Defense against Predatory Pain Pattern Programs which have infiltrated every facet of our interaction with One Another and the Natural World. 

We must be able to connect directly with the Natural World and Nature, in order to know our own True Nature, and to experience communities/villages which operate and co-exist with one another and Nature, according to Natural Principles of Cooperative Co-Existence; that can become a model for a re-Naturalization of communities and Ecosystems which follow an Earth-based way and philosophy for our existing.
Which we feel is the only option we have for future generations to inhabit… a habitable one. 

The principles of a Healing Biotope are to create a Naturalized Habitat which is regenerative and restorative to the Land, in balanced co-operation with the Land, Elements and Resources; and non-exploitation of any resources, including the Human Being’s elements of Energy, Attention, Action, and Love in co-operative and co-sustaining agreement. 

It is a complete model for a Naturalized Human Being and Human Communities to Live in Harmony and in Sacred Reciprocity with the Land, Self, and Another; which has been visioned, created, realized, and further designed and shared with the World as a viable model of sustainability and peace in the World today and for the future, as the basis of the Tamara Community in Portugal and the Terra Nova Global Peace project; as well as the Love School, founded by Deiter Duhm and Sabine Liechenfelds.
Tamara has been in successful operation since 1979. 

To acknowledge that the Human-to-Human, Heart-to-Heart exchange of Attention, Care and Love, One to Another, is an essential, precious, and arguably most valuable resource on Earth, and agree that it must not be exploited; is to acknowledge the depth and necessity of the Heart’s Call for Healing and a Sacred Society which can support it. 



The state of wholeness or disintegration within each Individual is directly related to the state of the Heart within each Being. As the Heart is the Sacred Recorder and seat of all our in-pulse capacity, unresolved, unacknowledged, and unaddressed Heartache within an Individual causes a state of existing, seeing, believing and being in which those pains create patterns of behavior and reaction to any and all potential threats of repeated injury; which are everywhere, and constant. 

And despite our best efforts to not perpetuate or participate in these perceived injuries they are inevitably perpetuated by meeting the same sort of injured reactions from, in and with, others. 
It takes a studied and practiced Master of Self, to be capable of being and holding an uninjured, Neutral Heart that can reflect to another Heart, the purity of Truth and Love;
without the conditioned patterns and reactive responses which only serve to catalyze repeated injury. 

Our work is based in this principle of Reflection, and the Sacred Metaphysical, Bio-Electro-Magnetic principles which create potentials for Resonance to exist between two Hearts, two Minds, and two Living, Breathing, existing Human Beings. 

We say we are truly mirrors for one another, which into you I see me and into me you see yourself, and we are able to see ourselves and One=Another more fully and more completely. We can only know our Own Self truly and fully, through the reflection which another shows us of Our Selves. 

This is such a Sacred and Beautiful Truth of our existing. Our connection is our greatest desire, need and purpose in this Life. We are made to connect. Inter-connect.

Through the connections I make with another, more connections are able to be made within myself and Life as a Greater Whole; and we come to the altar of our Love with another, to become more intimate and worship the one within My Own Self. 
This is the truth of Tantra and the practices of Tantra since pre-Egyptian times. To have 2 potently-charged principles of complementary Polarity connect and exchange, for co-creation, pro-creation, and the regeneration principles of Life to continue forth; in both simple and seemingly miraculous ways. 

We feel that Life’s most potent Healing principles are here, in resonance and Heart to Heart, Heart-Mind, and Heart-Centered impulse to connect and exchange Healing/Love; to co-create and co-sustain. 

As such we also feel that Healing is a cooperative principle in which there must be some sort of exchange which must take place, whether that is to receive or to be received, as a requirement for that Healing to be activated, actualized, and realized in the Physical; and may require the cooperative exchange with another whom can anchor a frequency or field of resonance for that person to resonate with and to, in a more pure reflection; to mirror my truths/illusions with. 

Which sometimes is another Person, or animal or another Being, an Element of Nature; and is an inner journey of integrating all aspects of Self. 



We have, as a Being, not yet mastered a solution for liberating the Human Being from suffering, war, or poverty as a Global Collective, and we feel that the Path of the Sacred Self, Ministry for Healing Hearts Arts, or Healing Hearts Ministry, in Sanctified Sanctuary; offers a practical and simple solution for personal empowerment, collective wellbeing, and global peace to truly take root. 

And as an experiment in resource-based economics, Human re-naturalization and a return to an Earth-based way of Living, Existing, and Viewing the World/Life and Being; a call to return to Sacredness or a Sacred way of Living, Existing, and Being in the World and with One=Another. 

Our Ministry function will center around the formation of an Ashram and Temple for the Ministry and the community that sustains it to make offering of Healing Service and begin to offer the teaching work. 

Individuals can come to receive and participate in the teaching works, which will be offered through the Ashram, with Healing Hearts Ministry Service is offered in the Temple;
a place of radical worship being expressed through Healing Exchange, witness of One=Another’s Healing, and a place of exalting that Sacred Principle of Life within each Divine Self.
The whole of the Biotope and grounds will consist of a Naturalized permaculture food-forest and Eco-Village, with gardens for Healing in and with, Nature. 

Our intention is to sustain the community of practitioners completely so that they may be freed to offer their attention, care and Love authentically and without attachments, expectations, or exploitation.
Recipients are able to receive all that they truly need in terms of support, care and service in order to focus on doing their own personal work in their Healing and wellbeing, without pressure or limitation, making contributions of equal energetic exchange with the Ministry in whatever capacity is appropriate/possible for each individual; whether that is monetary or another physical commodity exchange.
Or, Energetic, by making some other Personal Physical exchange energetically through assistance, manual labor, contributing food or other resource to the community, and supporting the Ministry through Seva work, Karma yoga, or in service to the community/congregation; in whatever ways may arise as needs/benefits. 

Trusting in the Principle of Reciprocity to always result in arrangements and agreements which are Naturally Mutually Beneficial to each. 

In order for the Sanctuary to be completely sanctified and autonomous, protected, and free from false program limitations and propose to patent or register as need be, the land and Ministry works and teachings as an experimental Alternative Social Model. 
Including establishment of Elder Authorities and Village Councils which manage functions, operations and order within the community, and council within the Ministry, with an institute function which can study and assess these outcomes/results and their effectiveness/in-effectiveness in the inner and outer populations & the HA community/community at large. 

The goal is for the Sanctuary and community to become completely self-sustaining and non-dependent upon systems of domination or exploitation, that does not draw on Federal Resources or Systems, in any way, as to not draw any form of agreement with exploitative models. 



All of these aspects will need to come in stages of development and layers of growth, requiring infrastructure from each step to support the full realization of the Human Being to gain liberation. It is the beginning step to a great vision for the future of every one.

The Principles of the Healing Hearts Ministry are founded in these Philosophies:

 Spiral Energetics Philosophy and Model-

  • Polarity Dynamics & Duality as Natural Supreme Law of Creation

  • Torroidal Energetics System and Model 

     ~ Plasma Cosmology and Electrical Universe Cosmology~


 Spiral Reiki and the Torroid Cakra System-

  • Basis of Healing Arts Practices working with Spiral Torroid Energetics 

     -    Spiral Yoga, Yogic Studies with emphasis on Torroid Energetics.

     -    Spiral Healing Arts practices and techniques.


The Art of Sacred Relationship- 

- A Pure Reflection Journeywork to identify and address underlying Core Beliefs and Core Issues, in a process of clearing and re-integration of all the aspects of Self to become Integral, or Whole.

- Reciprocity, Reciprocal Flow and Exchange, Balanced Mutuality/Mutual Benefit, and Neutrality.

- Teaching/Training Practitioners in this methodology and practice, as a function of Ministry. 

Healing Hearts Arts-

- Restoration of the Heart of the Being, with Healing Therapies, Modalities, Methods, Techniques, Practices, and Tools for supporting One=Another in our Co~Healing and for Mutual Wellbeing. 

-Restoration of the Heart of Whole Being in Sacred Healing Ceremony with the Elements, Nature, Ancestors, and Spirit.
- Healing Philosophies made accessible and available to the Human Family to receive as well as to learn and practice, as well as participate in becoming Healing Hearts Servants in this World we share; enhancing our Collective Wellbeing.

~ ~ ~*Supporting Each to Heal, That WE May Heal Collectively*~ ~ ~

- The Healing is Mutual Ethos

Ministry & Temple of the SACRED SELF-

  • I AM That I AM ~ Pure I AM  Presence in this *NoW* Moment 

  • I AM the Holy Temple in Which Love Dwells and Creation Prays Life’s Continuation; within my Own Sacred Heart, and the Heart of An Other.

  • Self-Awareness, Self-Realization, Self-Heal, Self-Generating, Self-Actualization, Self-Enlightened, Self Transcendent

  • All in ONE in ALL

  • Recognize the Other Person is You

  • I AM Another Your Self

A Sacred Vision has been called forth:

When I was 5 Years old I fell out of a 2-story window and died, and was revived. In the Realms of Spirit, I received guidance of a Mission I still have yet to fulfill, or fully realize.
That experience, combined with several other near-fatal accidents, other-worldly dreams, supra-natural experiences, illnesses, surgeries, personal challenges and numerous other awakenings; has led me on a Life-Long Search for what that great mission is, what it means, and what I am to do with my Precious Life.

This search has been unfolding through my own Healing Process, as I have pieced together all the fractured aspects of my Own Being, navigated the many layers and realms of recovering and Healing from past traumas, and finding a place and a Path for Healing the Wounded World we all share in;
that repeated pain patterns may come to completion, and the cycles of un-aware perpetuation, may come to a close. 

I have been bearing witness to the suffering of my Fellow Humanity and I am acutely aware of the Nature of our Human condition.   And this awareness has gained me great insight and Wisdom into our Human Nature and into how our True and Authentic Nature has been corrupted by Domestication; through the Polarization of the Human Psyche. 

I am finally at this stage in my Life as I transition into my 40th Gregorian Year, with absolute clarity, certainty, and faith how it is I am to serve this Life, and my Human Kin; with my Prayer, My Devotion, and my Love. 
As an Angelic Being in a Winged Family of Light, I earned my Metaphysical Heart-Wings when I flew out that window.
Just as I flew into this Life, Newly-Born.
And I have come here to this Earth-Life in service to the Illumination of my Human Family;
into Unity Consciousness and Oneness. 

One Blood ~ One Heart ~ One Mind ~ One People ~ One Family ~ One Planet ~ One Life ~ One Love

I have come into this Life blessed by Nature with being the carrier of a Healing Principle and Signature which comes directly through my Heart, through my Hands, and my Whole Being, in everything that I Am; and in these messages and teachings I bring to you.
I have been working in the Realms of Healing, Physical Healing Arts, Spiritual and Energetic Healing Arts, and Shamanic Healing Arts, collectively, for more than half of my Life, and in one aspect or another, my Whole Entire Life; as my Awakening and Healing Journey began as a young child. 

Learning in structured ways, and also, All*Ways being guided and initiated and taught directly by Life, Nature, and Spirit, and am called to Birth a Healing Sanctuary, Healing Arts Ashram, and Temple to sanctify this work I am guided to offer and share in the World. 

The Center will become the Heart of a Non-Profit Organization and Foundation, which will fund a Sanctuary, Healing Arts Ashram, Temple, as well as the Healing Hearts Ministry which serves it, and a Center/Institute of Healing Heart Arts; with ongoing research, development, education, projects, programs, events, and social outreach for expanding the Healing Arts Worldwide.

I am here to serve you, my Brothers and Sisters of Humanity, in your Healing, Awakening, Wellbeing, Wholeness, and Thriving.  It is my calling to serve you, my Human Family, and I ask you for the support in realizing the space and container for which I, and others also, are able to receive and serve most completely and most fully.
That we may all develop in our own Self~Mastery.

Together, we arise from our lapse of awareness and sleeping consciousness, into the Illumination of Truth and Love.

I invision Land with which to establish a Healing Biotope (as outlined by The Tamara Ecovillage in Portugal) which is a Sacred, cooperative agreement with the Land and its resources, to steward it in Harmony and Balance; and a Natural Sanctuary for which to Naturalize the Human Being within.

A sustainable model of Community will operate and support the Sanctuary, Ashram, Temple, and Gardens.
The building of the Temple, a bunkhouse, a bathhouse and foundation for the Healing Arts Come*Unity Ecovillage, are all necessary infrastructure for the realization of the dream and vision. 
The Biotope concept centers around Water Retention Landscape Design, and catchment ponds which percolate, will need to be designed and built.

Being a Biotope, it will be built up to be a Permaculture Food Forest where most of the food resource for the community and Ashram itself to be sustained, with some regional exchange and wild-harvesting additions to supplement/expand variety and diversity for nutrition. Always staying Local/Regional.
This will take some years to establish unless a property can be secured which has some gardens/orchards/etc.. In place. 

Those who are offering their service can do so purely from a place of Genuine, Authentic Love, rather than a forced place of commodified exchange which serves to devalue the quality and the potential of the Natural Human-Human Energetic Exchange of Attention, Care, Support, and Love. 

“Healing” is not something anyone else can do for us, individually. One can only lend care and attention, wisdom and support to assist Another into coming into that State of Being within themselves. 

When one must pay another to “receive” Healing within themselves, it changes the relationship one has to their own wellbeing and ability for them to demonstrate greater Self-Care on their own behalf; as a result.
As well as creating a potential for exploitation of One Another’s Energy.

In the Heart of the Bio-Electro-Magnetic Being is a State of Constant Equilibrium, in which there is Harmonic Balance with all of the inherent aspects of the Natural, Whole Being. The Physical, Mental, Emotional, Personal, and Spiritual Aspects of each of us are inseparable layers and dimensions of our very Being, and must all be addressed, tended to, and supported; for any True Healing and Integration to exist and take place. 

These imbalances in our Systems must be addressed, I feel, by de-commodifying Personal Healing and the Human-to-Human exchange of Love, Care and Support; or offering of Co-Healing.

By contrast, in a Commodified System of “health” “care’, the Individual is driven to depend upon the System or an Other, and to be a continued repeat customer, or a dependent. 
And all seek to upgrade the package of dependence and pressure us to buy-in to the line of Pharmaceuticals, procedures, or  supplements and “food” products, etc.. which leaves the One dependent. 

People are seeking for solutions and help, but feel they can’t afford it, and/or don’t have access to the support they feel they truly need. And the Modern sickness management system that many fall back on as a result, inherently disempowers the Individual right from the beginning, by asserting that the Doctor with a Capital “D”egree has more knowledge, wisdom, sense, and authority about our own wellness than we ourselves do. 

In the most simple way I can relate in my own experience, as an Seasoned Licensed Massage Therapist and Practitioner of a variety of Healing Arts practices, is that people come to receive Therapies most often when they are in a State of Great Need, and because they have paid what they feel is a good amount of money to have me “do” this Healing “for” them, and I work hard and give them all my attention; yet implementing the Self-Care practices and other Personal Empowerment aspect of their Preventative and Restorative Healing Work I recommend for them is ignored and they only return in need again from a pattern or set of patterns that they continue to repeat. 

I continuously wondered, as all Therapists and Practitioners from all Healing Arts Fields wonder, about how to help a client take pro-action in their own Wellbeing, Healing, and Self-Care. It’s endemic, our resistance to caring for our Own Self, and taking an active, participatory role in our own Life Creation. 
I see it as Systemic in every One born to and raised up and Living in Social Systems of Chronic Oppression. 

Our surface pains and ill’s have their root in much deeper and more mysterious, even invisible realms of our Being. 
Our Body, and our Mind, are of One System; interwoven and intertwined. 
What we think, feel, see, and believe, are all reflected in what our Body is expressing at every level, in every moment. 
Modern “medical care” denies the messages being sent from the Heart of the Being, and works to overpower its signals; and silence it’s voice. 

“Healing” does not arrive from an external source or causative factor. There are always catalysts, although with evaluation and assessment we can see they are as much internal as external; if not more so.
Healing is not a destination or even a place to arrive at. 
Healing is a basic principle of Balance, Equilibrium, Harmony, Synergy and Synchronization, and a State of Co-Operative Existence within the complexity of the Being. 

Healing is an active principle, continuously working towards wholeness, with all components coming into a balanced and harmonious sequence, for greatest flow and coherence; bringing all facets of our experience into alignment with all others. 

The Core Principle of our Organism, and our Entire Creation, is Synchronization; Synchronic Organization, Order, and Flow. The orchestration of the Symphony of Life, in existence, follows this Principle. 
Healing, is the factor of Harmonization within this Synchronization of varied and contrasting elements. 
Healing in Life is the still-point, the pause of perfection of multiple factors merging and becoming as if “one”. Integral, and Coherent. 

We Humans are multi-faceted and Multi-Dimensional Beings, with multiple factors at play within the multiple layers of our Existence. When all aspects of our Being strike a Harmonic Balance, in Harmonic Resonance, we experience what can be regarded as a Miracle, or a miraculous Healing State. 
Our Being is constantly moving in and out of Dis-Harmonious and Harmonious Alignments, with each “still-point” of congruence; being that “still” place of “Healing”. 
It is a process of constant regeneration and renewal, breakdown and re-organization. Effect and response, response and effect. 

Healing is a State of Being, akin to Love. Love, being also a dynamic State of Inter-Being in Harmony and Co-Creation; as a unifying principle. 
Love, absolute compassionate acceptance, is the greatest source and form of Healing that we possess, and can administer. 

I have previously struggled in my own Life with understanding what has happened to me, and what my heightened level of Sensitivity, Intuitive and Psychic awareness and ability to see into the Human condition, and capacity to administer Healing; were, were for, how to use them, and how to be valid in the World to offer these gifts.

My hunger to seek my own Healing led me to study, and experience the vast ranges of our collective knowledge on the subject; with an emphasis on Ancient Wisdoms, as well as upon Naturally-derived, Earth-based ways of eating, living and existing in a Harmonious Balance with Nature. 

My Greatest work in Life is in finding the Paths for a return to our balanced, Natural State of Being and way of existing with Life.  Paths to Harmony, Balance, and respective Equilibrium Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually; for Personal Development, Collective Development, and Peace. 

I offer these paths and these teachings, which have been and are Divinely Inspired and earned Wisdom Keys, to Support, Awaken, Uplift, and Activate Humanity in this time;
in this Age of Unification of the One Sacred and Holy Heart.

And, it is my work and calling, to glorify the Sacredness of our Human Heart and this Life; as the Physical representation, manifestation, and reflection of the One Holy Central Heart of Creation, and All Life’s Sacred Existing. 

As reflections of this One Sacred and Holy Heart of Creation Existing, we are each a Temple in which this Sacred and Holy essence of Life, Spirit, Sacred Divine; can Co-Exist, and Manifest~Create through us, in us, and As Us.
We are each, through our own Hearts, this Holy Altar upon which Creation Prays Life’s Continuation, Life’s Expression, and the Power of Life’s Creation; creating Eternally. 

This is the most Sacred and Holy Expression of Supreme Intelligence, upon which all our attention, endeavors, and Energy shall be applied towards Exalting, Glorifying, and Serving; in Devotion. 

One of the Primary Principles of An Other Blossom Sanctuary & Ashram, Center of the Heart’s Mystery, Healing Hearts Ministry and Temple of the Sacred Self, is this devotion to the Holy, Sacred, Divine, Supra-Natural Nature of the Physical, Energetic, and Meta-Physical Heart; asserting there is no separation between the Physical and Meta-Physical and Energetic Heart Center Plexus of our Being. 

Our Physical Phenomenon of Biological Life stems from and is generated by the original 18 Cells of our Physical Bodily Tissues. Our Heart holds the Memories of all our experiences and these can impact and affect our function in Life negatively, when unresolved or unreconciled.
The worst case scenario of a “Wounded” MetaPhysical Heart robbing us of Life instead of Giving It and Maintaining It; would be in the cases of Murder and Suicide. 

Recognizing the Heart holds our Original Code and Memory for our Being and our Natural Life Program, and likely the keys to all regenerative and renewing principles within us; Healing Heart Arts aims to work from, with, and within this principle of exploring and discovering what our Hearts are capable of, and how they can Heal and Be Restored.
Thus restoring us to our Natural Intelligence and State of Being in Wholeness; Naturally Aligned and Resonant within our Physical and MetaPhysical Truths. 

In Body*Mind*Spirit.

Our Heart is the Ever-Blossom of Creation, continuously in Bloom.
Our Awake and Conscious Awareness is the Blossoming of this generating principle of Creation that we are. 

Blossoms rise from Bud to Bloom and open and fade away. They fall.
Creation does not value or covet one Blossom over another in its potency or potential, as the Prime Directive is to Express; to bloom, to exist, to procreate, and to be…
all that it contains within it to be. Ceaselessly.

Universal Creation Impulse is the same in that one expression blossoms forth, expires, and falls away, giving rise to another, next expression. 

This process happens very gracefully, continuously and unceasingly throughout our lives, as we metaphorically also Bud, Bloom, Blossom and Wither in our own Ages and Stages and Cycles of Growth; recycling and renewing our Beings, our Selves, and our Lives. 

Our Hearts are Cosmic Blossoms and our purpose is to imprint and create an Infinite number of forms, Blooms of Frequencies upon the Sacred Matrix of Earth and on into the fabric of Creation. 

In the Eternal Garden of Creation (E.D.E.N. -Eternal Divine Everlasting Nature), we are each our own unique Form, Signature, or Blossom, generating our own unique creative impulses onto Creation; which is the process of Creation’s ongoing continuation. 
Creation Eternally Creating and WE, Spreading the Pollens & Seeds of our Dream Visions into the future becoming.

This is the inspiration and the vision of and for An Other Blossom Sanctuary and Ashram;
that we are each an Individual Aspect of the Sacred Whole; and through Mutual Honor, Respect, and Cooperative Co-Existence with each, we can restore our Garden. 

Through reverence for Life, ALL Life, we will come to honor One Another as Sacred Reflections of the One Whole and will come to serve Each=Other;
With Mutual Love and Healing, Compassion and Peace. 

I feel that Healing is not complete, for any one of us Individually, without our Collective Healing being addressed in a more proactive way. 
Collective Healing is necessary and required for the capacity of Individual Healing to be fully realized; because with a container of imbalance, the one working to be balanced struggles to hold resonance and alignment with wellbeing, where it is constantly challenged and re-wounded.  

We can believe we have it all “together”, and do all our “work” to be in alignment yet are under constant pressures of resistance, desire, domination, submission, and oppressive forces in the Greater World Dream of our Programmed “Reality”, and the repeated Pain Patterns which are perpetuated between us; in our lack of awareness, unconsciousness, and conditioned programming. 

Because I am another aspect of every other, and every other an aspect of me; my inner wellbeing and outer wellbeing, are reflective states of Being. 
By helping another to Bloom and Grow, be a Fully Aware, Awakened, and Realized Being and to thrive in their Individual Expression means to enhance the Beauty and Coherency of the Whole in our Collective Garden; including for My Self. 
When *you* have more and are well, I can have more and be well. 

Our Current Economical Societal Structure is one of Hierarchy and Dominance, with the success of the Individual, being regarded as the “Highest Ideal” of attainment, achievement, and accomplishment; 
“Better” than the “others”, faster than all the rest. 

This is not our Natural State or Way of Be*ing. In Nature, all Beings simply exist to follow their Natural instincts. 
In our Domestication, these Natural Instincts are contained, restrained and conditioned out of us.
Some, more brutally than others. 

Many Animals demonstrate Fear in response to being “Broken”; and so do Humans. We choose not to see it that way in our “civilized” World and State of Existing, but if we look a little bit more closely, or deeply, or expansively, we may see that in fact, what we are looking at is widespread Fear and Distrust, Mal-Adaptive Behavior, and the ensuing destruction and destabilization of the Environment; all potentially resulting from a “scared” Animal in defensive Self-Protection. 

We can trace the roots way back but we can also see today that our World is “run” by those in Power-Over, Domination, and Oppression positions of asserted Authority; with corresponding Ideologies, beliefs and practices infiltrating and affecting the farthest reaches of the Earth.
We need Heart Medicine more than any Politics, Military Engagements, Laws, “Drugs”, or Media Sensationalist Propaganda fueling the Fear..

We need to get to the Heart of the Issues, which is All Fear and the Illusion of Separation. 

These are not easy to see or address as Guilt and Shame have harmed the capacity of the Psyche to endure critical Self-Assessment. It needs to be met with Love, One Heart to Another Heart, which comes without expectation, attachment, or the limitations so many of us are armored by and with in our exchanges of Love with An*Other. 
Restoring Trust Among Humanity.

I pray WE Heal the World, by assisting in the quickening of the restoration of Self-Awareness, Sacredness, and the Sanctity of and for ALL Life; in the Individual Being and all Gaian’s as a Whole.
To exalt the Healing Arts as a Holy Spiritual Art and Practice, and to de-commodify the exchange of Love and Healing between two Human Beings, or between any Beings of Gaia. 

For we are Naturally Gaian’s, & work to reclaim this Natural Identity for us ALL.

May it Be So and So It Is 

All Love

Aerin Aura Viel