“Gathering the Flowers, Flowers from the Forest,
Forrest full of Medicine, to help us with our Healing..”
-Medicine Song

The stories of our Ancestors, from all throughout the World and from all time, tell us that everything we learned and know was taught to us directly by the Plants themselves, other Animals, and from the Realms of Spirit.

The Realms of Being that are Nature, are filled with Wisdom for us. Modern thought and “Science” would firmly attest that Plants do not communicate with us, or even have consciousness, but any grandmother that has gardened will tell you otherwise. In fact, the way they attract us with their color, shape, smell, taste and texture, indeed; says A LOT.

We look to Nature as our Creator, our Provider, and our Healer. We advocate for and teach Conscious Eating and Consuming and draw our medicines from the Elementals of our Earth; are advocates to the principle of “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy Medicine be Thy Food.” -Hippocrates Greek Father of Medicine.

We can work with Plants and their Medicines in a variety of ways, with many levels of both strength and subtlety to work from, for our own wellbeing in each moment. What works for one in “this” situation, may not be the best combination for another in their situation, exactly the same.
Sameness is not the modus operandi for Nature or our Cosmos, as no two Snowflakes are exactly alike.

Plants are very wise and are capable of adjusting and adapting their medicines for our unique needs and purposes. Some of the ways we work with Plant, Animal and Elemental Medicines are through Herbal Preparations such as tinctures, Ceremonial Cacao and Cacao Alchemy Formulas, Essential OilsFlower & Elemental Spirit Essences, and personal care products made with Wholesome Plant-Based ingredients.

Additionally, we practice with Shamanic Jungle Medicines for Physical and Energetic Cleansing such as Rapeh Snuff, Kambo Frog, Sananga, Kajal, and Personal or Group Master Plant Teacher Ritual and Ceremony for Personal Healing.


Flower and other Elemental Essences are High-Vibration Frequencies utilized as Energetic Remedies made from the Elements in Nature, whether Plant, Animal, Mineral, other Elemental, or even the presence of a place, being, or frequency; which are captured in the Sacred Carrier of Water.
This Water is then stabilized by a small amount of Brandy, allowing it to stay on the shelf without degrading. 

The Energy, Frequency, Vibration and Spirit of each elemental Being is offered into this water solution, as a vibrational frequency and Spirit Remedy. It’s like Spirit-Spirit Communication, where the Elemental is offering to our Being it’s unique vibration to stabilize, adjust, and align our own; in Natural Loving Support. 

Everything we are in our Physical Expression is anchored and manifested by the Energetic Imprints and Signatures held within our own Being.

Essences work upon us and within us through supporting, challenging, catalyzing, and facilitating our own Energetic System to Harmonize, Correct/Repair, Re-Align & Strengthen; to bring us into our Greatest Integrity.
Nature knows what we’re made up of and what we need for our greatest integrity and well-being, and gently supports us in this way. 

Essences are not a “quick-fix”. They support, stimulate, aggravate and alchemize our own being to align more Wholistically with our Energetic Truth. Whatever is holding a frequency of mis-alignment or dis-cord, will be brought up to the surface to be cleared. This process is best supported with peer counsel and coaching, that you are facilitated in your releasing, reframing, and realignment. 

Essences help us to clear what is not in alignment with our Authentic Truth and Nature, and to support us to align with our Highest and most Resonant Potential for Wellbeing and Wholeness.

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3 Moon Essence Journey  

2 Hour Initial Consultation
3 – 1 oz Bottles of Custom Divined Elemental Essence Formulas to be taken internally or Externally in an Aura Spray, lasting 3-4 weeks each, depending on each individual and dosage. 
~ 4 Hours of Additional Coaching and Peer Counsel.

$240 is the Energetic Exchange for this Journey. 
$80 for Each new formula, with Coaching Session, thereafter*

Essence Divination Reading

A Custom Essence is a Divined Oracle Reading, with the story each individual Essence tells becoming a Virtual Picture for us to see, hear and understand the True Underlying Issues and Currents of Energy that are present, or at play, within our Being and our Life, in this *now* moment.
Empowering us in our Personal work and efforts for Healing and Reconciliation.

An Essence Divination Reading offers the deeper medicine of the Energetic teachings from the Devas, or Spirit’s of the Elementals; insights and reflections which can be received and worked with, without taking any physical formulas.
Physical Formulas accelerate the re-alignments.

Readings take approximately 1 Hour to Divine with either, an email explanation after which will include the elements of the formula, or 1.5 hours of Peer Counsel.

Please visit the Altar*ed Life page, subcategory Elemental Essences to receive a Custom Reading, Peer Counsel, and a physical bottle of your formula to take internally.



We bring to you Sacred Cacao Alchemy with our special Magikal Formula ‘Heart Medicine’, which is an infusion of Raw Ceremonial Organic Heirloom Cacao from Guatemala, Herbal Extracts, Elemental Essences, Crystals, Vibrations, Prayers, Blessings and Pure, Genuine Love; which has been intentionally crafted to facilitate an Open Heart, Heal Heartache, Heartbreak, and foster Heart-Centeredness in One’s Being and Life.

Our Heart is a Sacred Creation. A Sacred Gift.

It powers our experience in this Physical Body, enabling all parts and components to recieve, function, and be renewed; that we may continue to exist, to encounter and to experience Life. It holds the Sacred Keys and Memories of all that we are in Form, as it was of the first 18 Cells of our Sacred Design. It In*Powers our Entire Organism; becoming developed, toned and conditioned by our encounters and experiences with Life.

Every Cry, Every Wail, Every Laugh, Every Sigh, and Every Held Breath in the Story of our Existing, alters and sets it’s rhythm; from moment to moment, and time to time.

Cacao holds within it the Sacred Principle of Alchemy, transforming something from one state of being to another. So too does the Heart, the Sacred Alchemizing Principle of our Being, representing the capacity to move oxygenated blood *in* and expired blood *out* in the Physical;
and transmute and transform Energy, Meta-Physically.


Sacred Cacao is considered to be a Masculine Energy and Force in the Plant kingdom, and it’s Medicine likened to that of Fire, as it Warms, Stimulates, Awakens, and Invigorates the Body*Mind and Being. It has a compound similar to Caffiene, and also Oxytocin, which is stimulating and also Euphoric and Blissful.

This compound literally increases Blood Flow to the Heart and throughout the Whole Body, Transmuting Heavy or Stagnant Energy into Vitality once again!



In ceremony, we combine Heart Medicine with Musical Healing Vibrations, Tools and Tones, as well as offer teachings of the Heart and Heart-to-Heart, Heartfelt Love, and Pure Sacred Reflection; in a Radical Ritual of Healing.
As into You Eye See Me and Into Me You See You Too.

$30 ~ 4 oz jar of Heart Medicine & $40-80/Person for Group Ceremony Love Exchange



Personal Healing Ritual and Ceremony with the Kambo Frog from the Amazon Matses Tribal Tradition, for deep Detoxification and Purification of Body~Mind and Spirit.


Kambo Frog Medicine is a Healing Practice of the Matses Tribe in the Brazilian Amazonia. The teaching of the Tribe is that this medicine cleanses through the body to the Soul.
And cleanse, it does. In The Most Powerful Way possible.

The toxic secretions of the Kambo Frog are scraped off the Frog and applied to small burn-holes in the skin, which allow access to the Interstitial Fluids of the Lymphatic and Circulatory Systems, at the Capillary Level.
This toxic and yet very healing compound, rushes into the body tissues, with the body’s defenses, mounting a response behind it in a rush of fluids.

Individuals with Heart Conditions or those on Heart Medications, could experience great challenge with Kambo, and should seek professional Medical advice prior to receiving Kambo. Otherwise, it has been shown to be very safe, very effective, and full of beneficial compounds which Science is barely beginning to discover and understand.

Tribal practice begins giving Kambo to members at 2 years old as an Innoculation or Vaccination of sorts, with annual or semi-annual treatments thereafter and as needed.

As per Tribal recommendations, Kambo is used to treat ‘Panema’ or Heavy, Cloudy Energy, and is offered in a series of 3 Applications in 1 Moon Cycle, or month, for this Vaccination Effect.
Certainly, after 3 sessions, you have a completely New Body and Being to begin working with.

Many people come to Kambo when a breakthrough is needed in One’s Body, Mind, and Life.

Kambo, with it’s medicinal chemical cocktail, is used to treat depression, PTSD, Addiction Recovery, even Cancer; and has an astounding Pain-Relieving quality.

Many people report miraculous and subtle improvements in many areas of their Body, Being and Life, immediately, and for long after, their Kambo Cleansing Ceremony.


Individual Ritual Ceremonies or Group Ceremonies are offered at a sliding scale for greatest Mutual Love Exchange.

$80-100/Person Group Ceremony & $140-160/Person Private Ceremony*

Additional offerings are requested in the event of travel to your location, and would include a minimum number of participants, which can be discussed in a consultation*


Rapeh Shamanic Snuff &
Sananga Eye Drops
~For Ritual Cleansing~

Rap’e, (Rap-eh, or Ha-peh), is a Spanish-Indian word which describes a common Amazonian Medicine practice and tradition in which finely powdered Mapacho Tobacco, Ash of certain plants, and other herbs, can all be included in the Shamanic Snuff, for ritual cleansing and purification of the Body~Mind & Spirit.


Rapeh is a powerful cleanse.
It triggers all the responses to having something blown up in the nose. It has a strong impact and effect and will, without fail, clean out the sinus cavities, with special emphasis on reaching the Sphenoid Sinus near the Brain.
Once the Sinus cavities have moved out all the Rapeh, there will have been a massive draining of the Sinus’, as well as flushing in all Cranial cavities, veins, arteries, nerves, and all tissues.

Every Tribe has their own unique formulations, and uses vary and range based on specific effects, or for general Physical and Energetic purge.

It is said to cleanse the Pineal Gland of Calcification and clear the Energetic Body and Field of accumulated Energies, Attachments and Thought-Forms.

Not every formula contains Tobacco, and tobacco quantities vary according to formula. Tobacco is regarded as a Masculine Herb and Energy, is Grounding in it’s effect as well as Activating, and is a communicator of all that is in the Heart.
The clarity that comes with a Rap’e Ritual, is unquantifiable.

For Personal Healing Ritual and Ceremony a $30-60 Energetic Love Exchange suggested.

***Visit our ALTAR*ED LIFE Sacred Marketplace for Rap’e products, applicators, and additional Shamanic Medicines and supplies***


Tabernaemontana undulata is an Amazonian Shrub which has been traditionally used by Tribes in the Brazilian Amazon for a wide variety of Healing purposes and ailments, with its detoxification, energetic clearing, and strengthening properties.

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Sananga is an Eye Medicine, Drop, and Eyewash, which is used for purposes similar to Rap’e;
which has a deep cleansing effect on the Eyes, Oricular Capillaries, Vessels, Nerves and Pineal and Pituitary Glands.
Traditionally, drops are applied into the eyes to expand spiritual vision and awareness, increase a person’s long-range vision, sharpen the eyesight, and was used as a preparation for hunting.

Indigenous people believe it can also be used to treat a broad range of ocular issues, disorders, and eye diseases, and is a very Tonifying Compound.
It does burn, intensely; without injury*

Like most Shamanic Medicines, what doesn’t actually hurt us but challenges our resilience, makes us undoubtedly Stronger.


A wide range of traditional uses of the Tabernaemontana plant make it something of a panacea or “cure-all” and it is used for treating many conditions unrelated to the eyes.
Through the eyes, the administered drops are gaining access to the blood supply of the Cranium, and thus, have the potential ability to affect multiple systems throughout the body.

The use of the drops help sharpen eyesight, awareness and extra sensory perception, supporting focus and strength, and de-calcifying the Pineal Gland.
It has a purgative effect, and a tonifying affect, improving Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Resistance and Strength; all throughout.

As such, it can assist low energy, motivation, focus, laziness, depression, sadness, anxiety and other dense and stressful energetic states of being; which are seen as contributing to personal difficulty in life as well as the conditions for diseases to develop.

***Visit our ALTAR*ED LIFE Sacred Marketplace for Sananga Eye Drops, as well as additional Shamanic Medicines and supplies***



Working with Entheogenic Master Plant Teachers and Ceremony are Traditional Medicine for a Modern Age.
Many Tribal cultures have revered and utilized these Sacred Medicines of GAIA, for thousands of years.

South American San Pedro Cactus ~ Grandfather Huachuma

South American San Pedro Cactus ~ Grandfather Huachuma

“Entheogen” is a modern word used today in Physical, Biological, and Psychological Sciences to describe compounds in Nature that when consumed, inspire and procure a state of “union with Divine Consciousness” within that individual. Such effects, while short-term initially, have Life-Long, lasting benefits and impact on One’s Greater Wellbeing.

Well-known substances which contain such compounds in Nature and have a long history of use in Tribal Cultures as Spiritual Medicines, are: Psiloybin Mushrooms, Peyote Cactus, San Pedro Cactus, Ayahuasca, and Ibogane; just to mention the Most Well Known.
Other compounds in Nature have also been consumed for this effect, such as Morning Glory Seeds, and DMT gathered from Frogs, Trees, and other natural sources.
Many of these compounds have been synthetized into un-natural chemical substances such as LSD, etc.
The essential element, or main ingredient of all, being the “Spirit Molecule” as it is called, or DMT;
is like a Key to a much Vaster sense of Reality, Self, and Being.

We are so much more than our regular sensory-perceptive capacities can usually conceive.
Master Plant Teachers enhance our Sensory and Supra-Sensory Perceptive Capacities to explore outer and inner Worlds much more deeply and expansively; and create a New Way of Seeing, Believing and Being.

Aura Viel

Journeying with Master Plant Teachers is a big commitment that requires intention for what one wants to gain, hopes to receive, and is ready to release; and sometimes, extensive preparation like fasting.

They can support us to Break Through our previous limiting perceptions and constructions of belief, and aid us in becoming more centered and Whole within.

There are many opportunities available in the World to work with and celebrate these Traditional Healing Tools and Medicines from Mother Gaia.
We are glad to provide direction to any that is seeking wholeness, and ready to surrender to all that is in the way of receiving that.
For Greatest Wellbeing***

Please fill out our form to inquire further and request a consultation for any Personal Transformation Work.

Please fill out this form to Request further information, Personal Consultation for Therapy, Ritual and Ceremony, to express your intentions for your wellbeing and wholeness;
and to let us know how we may be of service to you in your Journey and Life.

We will connect with you soon!

Blessed Be
Sat Nam Namastasye Ashe