• The Immune System of the Body is a Complex System of Microbiotic Elements and Factors which involve many processes and affect ALL Systems and functions in our Body, acting as a Regulating Mechanism for maintaining Balance and Harmony between all elements.

  • A Healthy, Functional, and Effective Immune System is quick to respond to antigens and potential pathogens in the Body and in the environment with defensive and corrective measures, “catches” 2-4 colds/flus a year, beats it quickly and bounces back to feeling well faster. This is a marker for a “healthy” Immune Response.

  • The Immune System is Intelligently Designed and Endowed to do exactly this; to be like any other muscle that needs consistent and regular flexion and extension, contraction and relaxation, in order to build strength, stamina, and responsiveness.
    And just like our Bodies and our Physical Strength, Flexibility, and Range of Motion of our Tissues, Joints and Limbs, we need to use them and move them, or we lose the ability to use them and to make these motions and movements well.
    If the Immune System is not well-exercised, it may not have the strength and integrity to endure.

  • A Mother’s Body will create an antibody response to environmental antigens that she encounters that within 2 hours becomes available and administered to the baby via Breastmilk.

  • Naturally-Acquired Immunity is considered by all Medical and Biological Sciences to be superior and effective at ensuring Life-Long protection via resistance to future invasion and infection.
    This is the genuine intelligence of the Organism and it’s capacity to generate and hold memory of these encounters and how to most effectively respond.
    When un-interrupted, our Body does what it has been designed to do which is most often the most effective course of action.

  • When a Body is ill-equipped in basic function and suppressed in any of it’s actions and processes or Systems, then the resources to effectively mount a defense, fight and endure inflammation in the Tissues and Organs, have adequate Water, Mineral and other Nutrients to nourish, cleanse, detoxify and eliminate toxins, and rebuild/regenerate new healthy tissue; is compromised, and as such, the Immune Functions are also compromised.

  • An Immune System becomes compromised:

    - When there is toxicity in the System, Viral and/or Bacterial Antigens and Material which was not effectively beat causing the body to continue to give energy and resource; while also running low on energy and resource which is further depleting and compromising to the System and the Being.

    - When there is not adequate Vitamin and Mineral Complexes available for the Body’s operations and functions, cellular health and function, Organ health and function, etc, to be sufficient to endure, repair, or even defend as the tissues are weak and cell components are not functioning properly or well enough; the Body cannot effectively fight and most importantly, endure.
    The reserves are depleted.

    - When Organs are already strained and/or stressed, congested, inflamed, or otherwise diseased and compromised.

    - When Immune-Suppressant, Fever-Reducing and Anti-Inflammatory Pharmaceutical Drugs, Medications, and compounds are used which inhibit and compromise the Body’s Natural Responses and Process.

    - When the Body-Mind-Being is in a State of High Stress and Chronic Stress.

    - When Auto-Immunity and Immuno-deficiency are present and causing the Immune System to not work properly, efficiently, effectively, or functionally to fight and beat

  • Artificially-Induced Inoculation of Viral Antigens via Vaccines attempts to short-cut the process and cut right to the Antigen Production, where it is determined and defined to be effectively and functionally proven to elicit the necessary and required reaction that can then be “scientifically quantified” to be adequate protection.
    The amount that is administered is intended to “irritate”/initiate the process of Immune response, yet supposedly without any “symptoms” of the sickness, and without having rocked a Fever and actually mounted the effective defense to KILL it all off and BEAT IT (and the memory of that*).
    It is, still, a Theory.

  • This needs to be looked at, assessed, researched and studied for the potential to create and be a factor (and/or also one of the cause(es)) of Auto-Immunity, where the Body is essentially made to fight a Low-Grade infection for the rest of their Life and at Great Cost to the overall Health and Wellbeing of the Individual;
    Inducing Immune Suppression, rather than supporting genuine Immunity.

  • Immune Globulin of an Individual with Naturally-Acquired Antibodies could be administered to another Individual, and offer the same protections that Vaccinations imply they provide and illicit, in a Biodynamic way; with a structure that the Body recognizes and can effectively utilize to reorganize and rebuild itself from. Why is this not being offered, implemented, studied?
    Partially, because the volume of Naturally-Aquired Immune Globulin donors is low, due to the prevalence of the practice of Innoculation, over the last 2-3 generations.
    The Bank of Health our Ancestors built for us is being dwindled down.
    And the other part, is the ability to turn it and make a profit from it.
    This type of technique is similarly already being practiced and implemented with the therapy and procedure known as a Fecal Transplant, where the Gut Biome of a Healthy Individual can donate their fecal material for transplant in the Gut of another Individual that is depleted and suffering from serious digestive conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease, etc., where all other courses of action and treatment have failed to remedy the situation; and with considerable success and positive results.

  • The use of Animal Tissue and Embryonic Fetal Tissue to culture and cultivate cellular medium to grow Viral and Bacterial Material for Vaccinations is un-Natural in terms of those biological factors and elements which we would not encounter in that form and that way Naturally, in Nature; and become a potential Genetic contaminant and Biological Irritant.
    The use of Toxic Materials and Synthesized Chemicals and Compounds in Innoculation Formulas are known to carry risks of Long-Term damage and/or death as well, and many have been “injured” as a result of Vaccine-related Injury.
    There is an official Vaccine-Related Injury Database, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) ( ) and many families with children who have been harmed as a direct result of Vaccinations which have been proven by Doctors and Medical Science, have utilized this resource and avenue to fight for assistance and protections in the courts of Law. There are no guarantees that there will be any “assistance, apologies, or changes in policy”; while the products continue to stay on the market and be pushed on the masses.

  • Potential Vaccine Adverse Events or Injury are a genuine risk related to vaccinations, which constitutes informing the patient and potential consumer of these risks prior to administration and throughout the process. Educated and Informed Consent are of utmost importance when we are discussing potentially Life-Altering situations and decisions.
    Genuinely Informed Consent may not be persuaded, pressured, or Manufactured to suit the agenda of another or populace, or an agency/entity. This is a Personal Choice and Sovereignty Issue.

  • ”God made dirt, and Dirt Don’t Hurt”, my parent’s used to say every summer when we would be back to eating food in the woods and by the fire out in Nature while camping in this place or that. Mostly I spent my youth in one canyon outside of Salt Lake City, where our family had a property.
    This was intended as a teaching to embrace a little bit of Healthy Dirt and Soil and ultimately, exposure, which actually translates into a stronger system with greater resistance, and also allows the bacterium in my environment to become integrated with my own. Good ol’ Healthy Soil.

  • Excessive use of Antibacterial Products, cleaners, and hand sanitizer, will actually strip and deplete the populations of positive, “friendly”, and healthy bacteria and microbes on our skin which are part of our protection mechanisms in the World. They also kill off beneficial Microbes and Sensitive Botany or Biological compounds/elements in the environment and contaminate water sources and delicate aquatic habitats with sensitive inhabitants; interrupting the balance of the ecology for which we all depend.

  • We have come to exist as we are from Millions of Years and Thousands of Generations, through all manner of Direct Encounter with our Environment and all it contains, in both it’s destructive and creative elements and factors; including the swapping of Bacteria, Microbes, Viral Information, and Genuine Time-Tested Survival Programs for which we get to benefit from.
    We need to engage and exchange like our lives depend on it, because it does and they do.

  • Levels of Stress and amount of Healthy Touch and Contact and Affection, all factor in when we consider how well the Body-Mind of an Individual will be capable to withstand, endure, and overcome illness; as well as how susceptible they may be to become ill due to suppressed Biological function as as reduced resilience and ability to adapt.
    More and more Scientific Research is being focused upon understanding how the effects of intense, extreme and sustained stress take a massive toll on overall health and wellbeing of an Individual and their Health, specifically over the Long-Term.

  • Doctor Wentz, a first-generation Virologist at the University of Utah, is responsible for nearly all tests which are able to identify Virus’, has also gone to create a Health and Supplement Company and Empire, USANA, as well as open an Integrative Medical Institute in Baja, Mexico, which specializes in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Therapies for all manner of Health Issues, Conditions, and challenges, including Cancer.
    After a Lifetime studying this matter, he concluded that Bacteria and Viruses are past-century “medicine” and no longer constitute the greatest risk we face for our Health. The main issue for our Health today is Chronic and Degenerative Disease from lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyles, poor and low-quality food and nutrition, and toxic food products and chemicals in the environment of an increasingly toxic World.
    Sanoviv Health Institute in Baja specializes in detoxification protocols and regimens at their fully-functioning Hospital right on the Ocean. Visit to experience all they have to offer you and your loved ones in the journey of Healing and Recovering Health.
    (My visit absolutely changed my life and still benefits me today with everything I learned and have implemented in my diet and life bringing substantial improvement to my health overall*)

  • Remember we are the captains of our own spaceships and the Body is our vessel for exploration and creation. It follows our commands. What are we telling our Body-Mind about ME and what I Am (are, aren’t, need, will, won’t, can’t, etc, etc, etc.) and want it to do for you?
    What are your beliefs about your ability or inability?
    Believe in the Body, and in Nature and in the Greater Innate Wisdom and Design of our Intelligent Creation. It’s about Trust.

    We can’t cover it all in one writing. Please offer your reflections and questions and may your journey be stimulated, guided and in*lightened towards your own Self-Discovery, Self-Gnosis, and Wisdom.

    Blessings of Wellness and the Cultivation of Greater Wellbeing <3


