• A Fever is a Biological function and process in which the Bodily System is stimulated to increase heat through the pathway of Inflammation, and develop an extremely high internal temperature; essentially creating an environment in which Pathogenic Compounds and Elements cannot thrive or ultimately survive.

  • Fevers are neither “bad” or inherrently “dangerous”, nor need to be “fixed, made to go away, or be avoided” as something which will only end up causing Brain Damage or some other form of Organ Damage/Failure.
    Fevers are a Natural Function and Process which is designed to burn up the Bugs real good. Follow Tradition and the Wisdom of many generations of Mother’s and Grandmothers and take a hot bath, wrap up in real warm jammies and a blanket, drink some warm ginger, lemon and honey tea, and snuggle up for a Serious Bug BBQ!

  • SLEEP!! During sleep is when the Para-sympathetic Nervous System Function becomes active and is where most of our Healing processes occur.. when the Body has no other demands. Support this process as Sleep IS the Best Medicine and why when in this Healing Process, the Body reduces other demands, loses appetite, and forces rest.
    It is where and when we Heal and Healing best happens.

  • High Fevers, or fevers over 101 degrees Farenheit, have been marketed and campaigned and taught as being “dangerous” and risking “brain damage”, potentially progressing into a form of Spinal Meningitis and Menigitis in the Cranium which can cause fatal swelling and risk to Brain Tissue, and as such, all systems.
    However, this is blown out of proportion dramatically and does not serve to inform and equip the population with effective responsibility, only lends to the fear factors which anchor for people that a fever is uncomfortable and dangerous and needs to be “reduced” or interrupted or stopped in some way with pharmaceuticals.

  • Suppressing a Fever could/may result in long-term Nerve, Endocrine, and Organ damage and injury as well, as many studies looking at root and underlying and causative factors of Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Auto-Immune Conditions, are beginning to show and reveal.

  • Virus’ classically create and result in typically High Fevers. It is often one of the first defining factors in diagnosing and assessing whether an infection is Bacterial or Viral in Nature that the Fevers are in the 101 and over range, or lower-lying.
    Fevers simply need to run their course, and eventually “break” with a productive sweat and tonification/detoxification/flush in the fluid systems and Lymph of the Body.

  • The important thing to watch for is a Productive Fever. A productive fever will move and fluctuate, spiking and then reducing, spiking and then reducing, sometimes holding. It is not considered a potential danger or threat until the fever has been steadily sitting at over 103 for 3 days.

  • The greatest risk with a Fever is Dehydration, and ensuring adequate liquid and fluid intake is essential and of top priority. The heat and the increased inflammation and circulation demands more water, and has a potential to become extremely toxic in the internal organs if there is not enough fluid to detox and eliminate. This is of Vital concern with fevers, vomiting and diarrhea, and even more so when there is a combination of these conditions.

  • Broths, teas, juices and other liquids are all beneficial ways to ensure adequate hydration and fluid intake as well as offer and boost vital nutrition with vitamins and minerals and essential nutrients to fight the infection. Electrolytes are beneficial and will need to be replenished especially in Vomiting and Diarrhea conditions.
    A simple solution of a pinch of sea salt and a pinch of a Natural Form of Sugar in water, or a Lemon or Lime or Orange in water, will easily and quickly replenish the Body without any need for special products or products with chemical flavorings and other additives.

    When a Fever is present, surrender to rest, and let any other obligations go. Ask yourself where you may have been pushing too hard and perhaps ignoring previous prompts from Life and our Greater Wisdom and Instinct and Intuition, as to whether or not we are being made to rest, slow down, let go, deal with excess unneccessary bagge, etc., which may have called this period of rest into this moment?
    Open to the possibility that Nature is this Wise and that we are too.
    Sometimes we may need a hard catalyst to help us shift from one state of Being into Another*

  • Fear is a type of Fever, a Fire burning Hot and Wild, perhaps roasting and toasting the Systems of the Person affected by and/or using Fever as a Purification Tool and Transformational Process and State of Being. The Fire can burn uncontrolled and become a Destroyer.
    It can also be tended and nurtured to create a beautiful and consistent source of warmth, food, and security; when kept in respect, managed carefully and gracefully in humility and simplicity.
    Far less walk away with burns. Or, they learned <3

  • Fever-supporting Herbs and Spices to incorporate in your Healing Process include:
    Ginger, Garlic, Peppers (chili’s as well as seeds/peppercorns).. which all contain warming properties, compounds and principles which encourage a stimulation of the System; increasing Circulation and Lymph Production as well as have Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Fungal, Immune Stimulating Properties and can assist with inducing a sweat and killing/neutralizing antigens and foriegn/toxic material.
    Additional herbs to support a sweat are Horehound, Yarrow, Sage, and Essential Oils of Black Pepper and Ginger.
    Ayurvedic “Golden Milk” is Naturally beneficial for inflammation and soothing the discomfort of inflammation. Additionally, Fenugreek is known by many medicine traditions to assist with the aches and pains associated with a flu, as well as Nettles and/or Alfalfa at ensuring adequate mineral and vital nutrient volume.

  • Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme, and Grapefruit Seed Extract have all been recognized as Naturally effective Anti-Biotic Herbs and ‘Neutracueticals’ which support, clear and protect the Body and System from Infectious Agents. They should not be used long-term in Oil forms (especially essential oils) as they can become too “harsh” to the System.
    There are other herbs, mushrooms, and Plant materials/compounds which assist and support the Leukocyte production in the Body for more extreme cases of Immune compromise-ation and re-building efforts.

  • Am I getting “well, getting better, working through something, undergoing a transformation?”
    Or, am I … “sick, struggling, dying, lost, tooo… far gone and getting worse?” This is the ultimate question.. what is my story and how does it guide and directly my life and how it all goes and plays out according to my Belief? Am I, My Self, assisting and/or hindering my own growth and/or resisting/receiving the greater lesson?
    Am I asking for this event to assist me in my surrender, my process, and my healing (even and especially when it comes in a force-FULL way)?

  • If we have a Mind-set, view and perception that “bad, scary, dangerous” things “out there” can and are waiting to harm us, and we feel we must protect/defend/escape any situation, antigen, person, ideology, belief in any realm of Nature and our Existence;
    we are asking for Life to exact upon us exactly that type of experience and will inevitably receive precisely what we NEED in order to heal our Selves in this particular area.

  • All Physical Form and Experience is a result of that which has become Material-ized from and through the Mental-Emotional-Spiritual and Energetic Base Forms we have Created in our Aura, which generate fields of Magnetism that attract and anchor and organize all aspects of our Being accordingly.
    What we are experiencing is being attracted to us and brought into form by our Own Frequency and Vibration, which we are being asked to attend to, and address.

    Sink in deeply and quietly to hear what the Body is speaking and offering about what is shifting, changing, being re-arranged, being trans-formed, and/or trans-muted for our Greatest Possibilities and Potentials to become truly realized.

  • Trust Nature. Your Nature. Support the Process of Life, within, and without, recognizing All *IS*

    Blessings of Wellness Wisdom ~


