Usnea Herbal Tincture

Sale Price:$14.00 Original Price:$18.00

Nature’s Natural Defense to the rescue!

Usnea Lichen, called “Old Man’s Beard” for the way it grows on old evergreen trees like moss dripping from branches, is a very powerful and effective natural anti-bacterial/anti-biotic that when properly prepared through double-extraction processes, is akin to modern anti-biotics, being band actually inroad-spectrum in its action; and it must be used wisely.


Nature’s Natural Defense to the rescue!

Usnea Lichen, called “Old Man’s Beard” for the way it grows on old evergreen trees like moss dripping from branches, is a very powerful and effective natural anti-bacterial/anti-biotic that when properly prepared through double-extraction processes, is akin to modern anti-biotics, being band actually inroad-spectrum in its action; and it must be used wisely.

Nature’s Natural Defense to the rescue!

Usnea Lichen, called “Old Man’s Beard” for the way it grows on old evergreen trees like moss dripping from branches, is a very powerful and effective natural anti-bacterial/anti-biotic that when properly prepared through double-extraction processes, is akin to modern anti-biotics, being band actually inroad-spectrum in its action; and it must be used wisely.

This tincture can be taken internally for bacterial infections, and to assist with Viral infections with extra concerted effort to add and supplement pre- & pro- biotic bacteria to the gut in-between doses. It can also be taken externally, applied topically directly to skin for treatment of wounds, infections, fungus, etc. Can improve the healing rate of exzema, psoriasis, acne, and candida.
Swish for tooth and mouth infections.

Double extracted with vodka and water.

15-30 drops, up to 3x a day for antibiotic use is recommended, 2 weeks at a time “on” (and then take a break), with yogurt, krauts, and or other fermented and probiotic cultures in-between doses.

Hand-crafted and made with Love in 2020. Completed and bottled for you in 2022* <3