Custom Essence Formula {with Reading}


Correct, align, and restore your Natural vibrational frequency with a custom and personalized Sacred Elemental Essence formula.

Includes a divined reading and “recipe” according to the energetic truth of you, in this now moment, which is put into a bottle to be taken internally, daily, for 3 weeks to a month, for maximum benefit.

Additionally, you may request separate counseling calls with which to discuss these elements, and to receive support and guidance throughout the month that you are working with the formula, according to your needs and what will best serve and suit you in your process. Choose an initial call to discuss formula elements, or 2 calls for additional support as you move through.


Correct, align, and restore your Natural vibrational frequency with a custom and personalized Sacred Elemental Essence formula.

Includes a divined reading and “recipe” according to the energetic truth of you, in this now moment, which is put into a bottle to be taken internally, daily, for 3 weeks to a month, for maximum benefit.

Additionally, you may request separate counseling calls with which to discuss these elements, and to receive support and guidance throughout the month that you are working with the formula, according to your needs and what will best serve and suit you in your process. Choose an initial call to discuss formula elements, or 2 calls for additional support as you move through.

Correct, align, and restore your Natural vibrational frequency with a custom and personalized Sacred Elemental Essence formula.

Includes a divined reading and “recipe” according to the energetic truth of you, in this now moment, which is put into a bottle to be taken internally, daily, for 3 weeks to a month, for maximum benefit.

Additionally, you may request separate counseling calls with which to discuss these elements, and to receive support and guidance throughout the month that you are working with the formula, according to your needs and what will best serve and suit you in your process. Choose an initial call to discuss formula elements, or 2 calls for additional support as you move through.