Have you felt a call deep within that tells you something is happening?
Can you hear a call inside, in your Heart, that beckons to you to BE More?

Many on our Earth are stirring.
Have you already heard and felt the call of service to Humankind? To the Earth?
There is an awakening that has already taken place. The Time has already come, and it is NOW.

It is in each of us. It is what calls to us, and it is what we seek. It is our deepest Heartfelt longings and our most passionate inner yearnings, which guide our Heart home; into our Soul Solar Self.”

– excerpt from upcoming Online Course, ‘Sacred Spiral Energetics, and Spiral Reiki Ryoho’

We are the One’s we have been waiting for. The time to AWAKEN, has arrived!

Have you longed to be reconnected, reunited with your True Self? Felt a longing to find, and fulfill your True Purpose? Find your True Calling?

If this has been present in your awareness, in the personal reality of your Life, perhaps even a main theme throughout your Entire Life; you are on the Path of Awakening to the Sacred Self.
Likely, you have been experiencing many challenges and initiations along this Path to Self~Realization.

There is present in our current state of Be-ing, a great split, division, and separation in the Psyche ‘Self’ of the Human Being. We have forgotten our True Nature, the Nature of our True Being and of our Existence.
We are caught up in a Distorted Illusion of our Man-Made, Artificial Reality which keeps us hustling, racing, and spinning, and yet all the while, still longing for a deeper connection to our Earth, to our Own Self, One=Another; connected *with* our Greater Existence.

Most of all, we long to be deeply connected with our Own Self.

The key to Our Awakening, is in this.To become fully '“Awake” in our Awareness.. no longer asleep in a robotic pattern of existing or following along.. with Full Consciousness of Our True Nature, which may be hidden underneath, behind, and twisted up with the constructed versions of ourself;
those created, created for us, created by us, overtaking us, and then exercised upon others, by us.

Many are holding a Distorted Perception that we must work to overcome the “Self”.. the “Ego”, the “Mind”, the Self-Limiting Intellect… as we understand it.
Yet, we are not here in this Physical Manifestation to get “out”. We are here to be Fully In*Bodied. 
IN our Body, and AS our True Self, with a Liberated Mind that is in Service to the Heart.

As Gaian’s we are Each, Individually and Collectively, the True Physical Temple in which the Holiest of Holies, our Sacred Heart and the Divine~Sacred Life~Force; moves through us. If we try to cast out any aspect of our ‘Self’, we become dis-integrated from the Whole Totality of our True Being, and from the Whole of Creation; Un-Consciously Un-Real*ized.

Our work and this Path, becomes a way of Complete Integration and Wholeness with our Sacred Divinity, here on Earth, in this *NOW* time, as a Revolution to Exalt and Revere the Self; recognizing the Health and Wellbeing of the Self as the Most Essential task of our Collective Being and Life Existence, and Our Lives.
We, each of us, are that Sacred Center within; center of our own Awareness, Consciousness, and central Creator/Creatrix of our own Individual Dream Reality, that Center Point of Creation from which All Action is generated from and by; Our own Two Hands. Two Eyes, Two Ears, Arms, Legs, Feet… Create this.

The Call is to free our Self and our fellow Gaian’s, coming back into resonant alignment  with our Mother Planet and the Original Blueprint of Her Sacred Design for us;
Truly Living the Light, *with* the Light, and AS the Light.. fully Grounded to the Earth.
She allows us to use the Light to grow up and reach the “Heavens”, and to move and Create Life Everlasting; as gardeners and caretakers and Stewards to the Nature Realm.

We are Gaian’s, and together We are Remembering Our Selves ❤ Home ❤

In Oneness & Unity, in Harmony with One=Another and the Earth.

In’Lakech Ala’kin

I Am Another Your Self and We are One Family

(Mayan saying)
