-Corporations are not Living, Breathing Natural People. They are Artificial Entities which retain a considerable amount of Constitutionally-Protected Rights; possibly, even more than the average Human Citizen of Flesh and Blood, let alone the other Living Creatures and Ecosystems which sustains us. 

-Corporations are not in and of themselves a “bad/good” thing. They are a product of our Economic and Politico-Socio-Systems; and they have thrived in the so claimed and regarded Capitalist “Open-Market” System which is in all Truth, an Oligarchy. A National/Political System run by Corporations Business, Production, and Profits.

-There is a Proposed Amendment to the US Constitution which states: “Money is not free speech, and only Living Persons can be granted Rights and Protections under the Constitution.”

-Corporations are not bound by Constitutional Protections normally granted, and exacted upon, US Citizens, even Military Members. As such, Corporations can be hired to do deeds and missions that would be illegal by any Court Jurisdiction Standards, because they are not bound to protect the innocent and other vows of Individual Liberties.
We cannot sue the Government who contracted the Corporations and Businesses as hired Mercenaries, which are granted some Amnesty from Liability to Human Rights; such as Black Hawk’s Involvement in the war in Iraq and the Middle East, and the recently awarded contract made by NASA, with a Private Corporation to make the next mission to the Moon and Moon Landing.

-Corporate control of resources creates a situation where some Humans can afford to have access to basic necessities and Personal Essentials, but that many more cannot and/or otherwise struggle to maintain ability to do so. The Oil Pipeline is able to defend its Right to Operate as Greater Than its responsibility to the People of the Nation to keep the water clean and safe downstream, for now and the coming generations.

-Corporate control of Media and the movement and availability of information has been leading steadily to a domination of News Sources and Outlets and control over Social Media Outlets, which are able to defend their Right to Speech and Control of Access to information in Legal Terms as Constitutional Rights of a Corporation, greater than that of the Individuals.
Alternative and Non-Mainstream News Sources, Information, Studies and Research, are suppressed and often, even intentionally oppressed, by the “official” standards, and word, and regulation.

-Regulations favor the Right of Businesses and Corporations to secure and earn their profits in such a way that benefits the National Market and GDP, over the Rights of Individual Natural Persons to support themselves and retain Natural Ability to access Essential and Necessary Resources such as land to dwell and grow food, and water.

-In a Market Economy System where Profits rule, and Money is Power, He with the most Money and the Most Power becomes the King; and this System sees all things and Beings of Life as objects for exploitation to the aims of the Kings. As Always. And in this way, all Life has a price in their eyes, and being totally dependent to buy our Essential and Necessary Resources, creates consumers for Life and Life-Times. Dependent. In Economic Servitude. Slavery, in a Technological and Mind-Manifested Way. We do it to ourselves, rather than “it” doing it to us.

-No Life Matters, unless ALL LIFE MATTERS. And unless All Life Matters, than No Life is Sacred.
If No Life is Sacred, then Life itself, is also no longer Sacred to us. Only from this place, can any Life not matter, or have a “price”.. when Life has lost its Sacredness and Sacred Significance to us.
What is Life worth? Ours? Others? The Whole? Life as an existent Phenomenon and all that is required for it to be sustained, and it’s sustainability to be supported?
What will it take to respect and Honor Life? The Earth?

-All Necessary Resource is “game” and only “property holders” who hold public utility accounts, count.

-A Human Life cannot be measured and/or quantified Truly by the acquisitions of material or physical, experiential or professional realms of Accomplishment. None of these but our experiences do we truly get to take with us when we die. All the rest is fodder and fading leaves. We are here to gather experiences and learn to release gently.
No Human Being may be bound to debts from before their Lifetime, nor their children, be bound for and to theirs.

-All “Freedoms” of the “Free Man” in the Country where “Freedom Rings”, come at a price, a cost, only those with money can achieve. Those that are able to achieve the Royal Fantasies of comfort and Luxury of Kings and Queens of old, also do so at great cost, and at great debt, which always ends up costing deeply to some, somewhere, at some point in time, at some place down the line.

-Trickle down Capitalism, and all forms of Nationalist Empire, and Economic Empire, become Top-Heavy, topple, and crumble under their own weight. All Civilizations before and to ever follow, will face the same fate.

-Corporations are the New Kings, fighting for acquisition and holding of all that is “valuable” and the destruction of all that is Sacred, for the Consumer Vultures of Culture to possess and consume and discard without any recourse to be held liable for their actions.
Even Corporations that claim to serve public good will always prioritize their profits first, and utilize charitable operations mostly for the tax benefits.

-Vote with your purchases and non-purchases, and follow the money.

-Remember, Money as we know it is not based on any actual solid commodities rather they are figurative numbers floating in Theory in Cyber-Space. Crypto-Currency too is completely dependent upon computer Technology, Electronics, and Electricity. The Machine will keep sucking if we keep feeding it the fuel we are pumping out of the Earth.. as long as people buy it.
Watch the Thrive Documentary and learn about the Federal Reserve, FIAT Currency, and the trails of Imaginary Money and Power among the Banking Elite of the Earth.

-The Machine can never Love us Back. Choose Love.

-Corporations will never have any one else’s “best” at Heart.. only profits. Choose wisely and listen carefully. Be Skeptical and Critical in your Assessment Skills.

-Free your Mind and Follow your Heart <3 <3 <3

-There are professionals working hard to persuade your opinion and distract you from your true work and purpose and meaning in Life; if you allow yourself to be persuaded.
Guard your Mind. Learn to listen to your Instincts and Intuitions again, as equal to your Intellect.
They’ll say or do anything to get you to “buy it”. ***

-Educational Institutions, Medical Institutions and other Authority Symbols and Entities are often Corporations, including Hospitals, are Corporations operating FOR PROFIT.
Not in “service” to Human Beings and Humanity, the Public.

Much could be said. But Lastly, here, now; I will offer this reminder:

Time does NOT = $$$
Time Is The Art We Create
Make of our Moments
Bring Forth in our Visions
and express in the World.

We are Human Beings, not Humans Doing.
Our Moments are so much more valuable in the context of the beauty and memories and significance we bring to them, rather than only what were able to produce within them.
Make Memories and Magic and don’t buy the hype.
Don’t Give it your Life, or Give up Life as a Whole into “it”.

We reap what we sow, and it’s harvest time.

Blessings of Peace


